Thursday, October 22, 2009


Welcome to The Weary Patriot! Do you feel the need to be a good citizen and follow all the news so you can make informed decisions? Do you feel frustrated and overwhelmed at the sheer amount of information out there; and the speed at which things are happening? The Weary Patriot can help.

Oh, the many days when (after reading 2 or 3 newspapers, 5 or 6 news blogs, watching 4 hours + of news programs, usually two at a time, and listening to talk radio more hours than I care to admit to; all of which sends me running to the computer to do more research) I crawl into bed to finally relax; but I find myself holding the latest political best seller or history book, with the TV tuned to another news program, while my radio stands by ready to have the volume turned up to listen to more talk radio during the TV commercials. This of course does not even take into account time spent following political Twitters and Face Book pages. Welcome to my world!

Don't let this happen to you! Follow The Weary Patriot as I try to manage the most important information, eliminate the unnecessary and maximize your time. I will list current events, interesting tidbits, and follow up this information with plain English definitions and explanations. There will be mini lessons on the how government works and the history of our great country. Don't miss the book reviews and suggested reading list or the quote of the day.

"There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure." ~Dwight D. Eisenhower